You pass by a multitude of small shops.
If this was a dream you'd be able to read the signs.
But it isn't.
And you need to keep on track.
We need to make sure of that.
So I've made sure that you
Can't Read
what's written on anything.
Knowledge is Important.
But the Wrong Knowledge can have
The kind that
Neither of Us
should be willing to have.
They say that
Ignorance is Bliss.
in this instance?
I hate that I have to agree.
Now that the shops have been passed,
it's time for a
New Distraction.
Is this a test of your Will?
It has to be.
Where the shops were easy enough to ignore,
these small houses are another matter
They have
They have
The hold
Too many memories.
Good ones.
Bad ones.
Everything in between.
So many
Memories. Ones that are hard to
But I can do it.
Don't you worry about that.