Marieken Mithras

Birthday: Unknown - 1999

Sex: Female

Occupation: High school student

Blood Type: A-Negative

Hair Colour: White, painted black

Eye Colour: Purple, green lenses

Likes: My Bloody Valentine, Ville Valo, Maria Mithras, Evanescence

Dislikes: Videogames, drama, talking to people

“I have to write something down here about myself? Why? Oh, okay.”

My name is Marieken de Vries

“Can I get a new paper? Just continue? Okay.”

My name is Marieken Mithras and I recently discovered I am a changeling. A moontouched, to be precise! I don’t exactly know why they’re we’re called that, to be honest. It means I’m not my parent’s real child, which can be a little hard on me. A bit like how adopted kids feel, I think, except the parents of adopted children actually want them

Moontouched are really cool actually. They we’re split up in different ‘courts’, like fairies, andsome courts can have superpowers! My favorite musician, Maria Mithras, is moontouched as well.

I can’t really live as a moontouched though, I have friends and people at school who expect meto be Marieken, Normal Human Girl. So I’m painting my hair and wearing contacts to disguisemyself. It’s kind of a shame, because I used to fantasize about cool things like that. It’s a bit of a childish fantasy, I guess. Maybe in the future when everything is sorted out I can be more like myself.

“I completely ruined this one. No, you don’t understand. My lenses are making my eyes water,so I got some tears on the paper. That’s fine? People will get the wrong idea. Okay. Whatever you say.”