luskonneg remains dormant by a curse and a conspiracy. social peril, online conflicts and miniscule destructions litter the interior of the small Pandora’s box of his life, a hidden cornerstone on which stands an unstable world.
light novel, hikkikomori protagonist, mental illness, psychological realism, OCD, internal monologue, modern fantasy world, low realism, cringe comedy, multiple storylines, worldbuilding, conspiracy, speculative religion, otaku culture, internet culture
by: baroquespiral
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>>failure 01
it has been xxxx days since luskonneg has become a shut-in. the ecclesia keeps it that way under the watch of the [taboo preserver] who watches as he makes an unanticipated excursion, an odyssey all the way across the street
>>failure 02
searching on the feed, luskonneg encounters a user known as the seer in the half-light indulging in fantasies that further stain his bedsheets; braz discovers an approaching danger in the underground districts
>>failure 03
braz seeks out information and finds instead forgiveness, release and an encounter that must be struck from memory; luskonneg arranges an encounter with another user in the dessert shop, a rather precarious affair
>>failure 04
luskonneg goes outside and once again faces humiliations and a world that seems all too real, as his innate powers and fragile sanity begin to tremble
>>failure 05
luskonneg experiments on his own consciousness in hopes of recovering a narrative worth sharing with a connoisseur of bizarre narratives, while an unknown enemy sows distrust behind the lines of the containment operation
>>failure 06
Luskonneg receives an offer of help to prepare for the strange journalist’s interview, but can he pull himself together to prepare for the help?
>>failure 07
four interviews intertwine in space and time - Luskonneg's attempt to explain himself to Marzanna, a younger Luskonneg's gamble on therapy, and the Inquisition's dissections of the forbidden love between Commissioner and [Taboo Preserver]
>>failure 08
Marzanna's suggestion of meditation reminds Luskonneg of what happened the last time he tried, while Braz visits a monastery hoping to uncover the secrets of the Dark magic used by an enemy she no longer remembers
>>failure 09
plots and investigations begin to converge: Marzanna and Mark’eg arrange to raise and destroy Luskonneg’s hopes with the unwitting involvement of a third party, but the threat of Dark agents may be closer than it appears