
yelena wanders the zone populated by paramilitaries, influencers and the children of napalm and static breeding across the desert until even its sands dye into the blue-light glimpsed before artillery fire

teen soldiers, influencers, internet culture, satire, near future, Eastern Europe, Zone, literary, modernism

by: Nekosattva




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>>chapter 01

the zone flickers with stylized executions by modified assault rifles and pistols, a world abandoned by the old, while yelena and christine remains in throes between teenage riots

>>chapter 02

another shift at the pizza joint for yelena, spending coins at the arcade where a click of the plastic trigger soon blends into the clatters of machinery from trucks entering into the desert as she searches for christine. welcome to the zone.

>>chapter 03

on the run from shells and starvation, yelena learns of the resident deity of the zone known only as nay-toe; a voiceless girl soon joins her within the ruins.

>>chapter 04

yelena and natalia enter a bazaar presided over by nay-toe, a collection of symbols and wares familiar to the shopping mall and plazas where she finds a trace of christine on a dead iphone

>>chapter 05

yelena and natalia take sanctuary in a hospital under fire and continue learning the ways of nay-toe

>>chapter 06

the armies and civilians of the glass city reveal their ideologies, their histories and more important to Yelena, the fate of Christine

>>chapter 07

Yelena is about to learn what her duty as a ‘mahimata’ really is in Little King Samuel’s kingdom - it may not be what she expects, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any better…